
Great away win!

Thomas Vermaelen, text's publication from 2018-09-07 22:03:14 :
Great away win!

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A publication from Thomas Vermaelen

ThomasVermaelenOfficialWelcome to the OFFICIAL Facebook page of Thomas Vermaelen, player of FC Barcelona

Previous publications

2018-08-27 :
Happy 5th birthday to my lovely boy!

2018-07-31 :
Happy 3rd birthday my boy. What a special day we have had.

2018-07-27 :
My first outfit for ABOUT YOU Hope you like it! #AboutYouStyle

2018-07-06 :
See 3 photos

2018-06-28 :
Good way to end the group stage. On to the next one!
See 4 photos

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