
Dear Saints fans A lot could be said,I could argue...

José Fonte, text's publication from 2017-01-21 17:09:59 :
Dear Saints fans

A lot could be said,I could argue and disagree,I could go on all day but in the end what it really matters is the journey we have been together.
We have been to Wembley and won, achieved promotion after promotion,great premier league seasons with records broken,European football...and the list goes on!
Not for a moment I regret anything I did,because I have given my all every single day I have worn the Saints crest until the last second of my last training session!
I have never rejected to play in any circumstances!!A lot has been said about me and my situation, most of it lacked any accuracy but we all know how the football business works!
So now it's time to say THANK YOU!!!
To everyone without exception,even the ones who can't accept it and don't understand THANK YOU!!!
I will take every single one of you in my heart.
To all my team mates throughout the last 8 seasons thank you,for pushing me to be better,for inspiring me,for laughing with me for arguing with me and even fighting me

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A publication from José Fonte

F6NTEOfficial Facebook page of José Fonte, defender for Dalian fc and Portugal

Previous publications

2016-12-22 :
Thanks for the birthday messages!!!
Obrigado pelas msgs de aniversário!!!

2016-11-24 :
Together as one!!Good luck boys

2016-11-13 :
Trabalho feito !!!Unidos!!!

2016-11-08 :
De volta à seleção com os meus miúdos!!

Back with the national team for an important game!!

2016-10-27 :
Always focused

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