
Eat, Sleep, Play Fútbol with Bayern’s Javi Martinez and Carmelo Anthony | Hoodie SZN | ICC 2019 by Javi Martínez - 2019-08-02

Javi Martínez, text's publication from 2019-08-02 14:05:53 :
I was asking my bro Carmelo Anthony the BILLION DOLLAR QUESTION

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A publication from Javi Martínez

javimartinez.oficialBienvenido a la página Facebook Oficial de Javi Martínez, jugador del F.C. Bayern y la Selección española / Welcome to the Official Javi Martínez Facebook Fan Page, FC Bayern and Spain National Team player

Previous publications

2019-07-23 :
Hold nothing back to win everything #newkit #adidas #daretocreate #ad

2019-07-16 :
Was nice meeting you bro Carmelo Anthony

2019-07-15 :
On our way to LA

2019-07-14 :
Thank you all for your support

2019-07-14 :
Fans first

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